Bella Henry ’21
If one word could describe this whole school year, it would be “unconventional.” Navigating how to study, take tests, and do well in school has required a lot of adapting. Personally, with spooky season underway, my senioritis is really setting in. So, I offer my knowledge because if there’s anything I’ve learned from the past four years, it’s time management. Read the following for some tips and tricks to get you through the first quarter. Hopefully, they will help you finish with not only good grades, but some quality down time, as well.
- Take advantage of study halls and free periods. I know there is the temptation to go on your phone or talk to your friends the entire time, but, if you sit down and focus, you’ll have more free time at home to watch TikToks and talk to your friends.
- GO TO YOUR TEACHERS!!! Even if you think you know everything, meet with your teachers and review, especially if you’re having trouble. Just talk to them about it! They are more than willing to help you with your questions.
- Try to start studying for tests and completing assignments earlier than the night before. I know this is a hard one, and I will admit that I’ve done this quite a few times before. The earlier you start, the more time you will have to meet with the teacher in case you have any questions or want your work looked over.
- Take breaks. Put your phone down for 20 minutes and don’t go on it. Then, start doing work again. I know I can’t sit still for 40 minutes straight, and with notifications popping up, it’s hard to focus. So, by breaking up your time, you will work much more efficiently.
- Khan Academy. It’s a gift from God. No matter how much you think you understand a topic, just watch a video and make sure. They cover a range of subjects; from middle school math to AP Calculus – you can find it all.
- My last piece of advice is to push yourself, and don’t be closed-minded to trying new subjects. Freshman year-me would have never believed that I was going to take AP Chemistry and AP Calculus, and I know firsthand that it’s easy to give up when you don’t understand something. However, working through those problems and succeeding after putting in hard work is the best feeling in the world. Also, take Mr. Melican’s AP Chem class… it’s amazing.