Madeleine McKinney ’26
This past summer was definitely one to remember. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was thought to be the worst three months ever. Summer as every kid knew it was ruined! Many summer plans were canceled such as sleepaway camps, sports camps, and exciting trips abroad. No more hanging out with friends at the pool or going somewhere exotic for vacation. However, the bright side was being able to spend time with our families and learning to appreciate all that we have.
Olivia Wells-Roth ’26 said, “Over spring break in March, my family was planning on going to Mexico and California, but both trips got canceled!” Canceled spring break plans, like these, prompted doubts about what was to come in the summer. As June neared, it became obvious that vacations would have to be altered, so many decided to travel somewhat locally. Emma Hager ’26 said that she got to spend time at her beach house, and though she couldn’t go to the beach with her friends, she still had fun. Obviously, people weren’t pleased about their plans being canceled, such as Maddie Martin ’26, who was supposed to go to Paris and Spain. “I was so sad and unhappy that it got canceled!”, she said. Others did things during the summer that they wouldn’t have done under normal circumstances, such as Grace Bienstock ’26, who painted to pass the time.
Although the summer of 2020 may have been an unusual one, it was a summer of learning to appreciate what we have.