The 2024 Oak Knoll Women in Sports Award – Annie Eagan ’25

This year, senior Abby Flood was named the 2024 recipient of the Oak Knoll Women in Sports Award. This honor is granted to a student-athlete who demonstrates all of the leadership and strong qualities that make up an Oak Knoll Student. The National Girls and Women in Sports Day award recognizes student-athletes from all around New Jersey.
Abby Flood has been a member of Oak Knoll’s volleyball and softball teams since her freshman year and is currently the co-captain of both teams. Her teammates often speak of her contagious positive attitude and commitment to her sports, constantly leading her teams to success. She is currently serving as the Athletic Council President, expanding her leadership role in athletics outside of the court or field. Untucked sat down with Abby to ask her a few questions about her experience with athletics at Oak Knoll.

How has playing sports at OKS prepared you for a future outside of high school?
“Athletics at Oak Knoll have been so influential in preparing me for whatever I pursue after high school, both as a leader and as a person. Our programs here place so much emphasis on being a leader and team member with integrity and authenticity, not just athletic skill when it comes to being part of a team. This culture has helped me approach my other commitments (academic, family, or otherwise) with that same idea in mind. Oak Knoll has challenged me to shift my focus from trying to individually be the best at whatever I take on to prioritizing showing up as a teammate and a leader every day to support the larger effort. I now leave Oak Knoll with the skills to be an effective communicator on and off the field, a more authentic teammate able to forge a positive and cohesive team environment, and confident in my ability to work hard and bring the best attitude to any project I take on.”

In your time as athletic council president so far, what are some of your favorite things you’ve done with the council?
“I had a lot of fun organizing the Student vs. Faculty soccer game, and it ended up being a really fun addition to service day! In addition, we worked hard to put together flag football games in November with House teams this year as a new twist, where the council really pulled through and helped put it together. Some fun upcoming things we’re working on are bringing back “Running with the Royals” to interview our Athlete of the Week, designating a game for each winter sports team to have a fan section (by rewarding people who come to watch with house points!), and doing some behind the scenes footage of practices/games to share at the end of the season.”

As you head into your last season of softball at Oak Knoll as captain, what are you most looking forward to?
“I’m looking forward to a competitive season this spring and building on how far we came as a group last year. It’s been so rewarding to see the program grow so much since I started here as a freshman, to watch my teammates work so hard, and to see that hard work pay off. I’m most excited to spend the time playing the sport I love with my teammates and coaches, and to play another season with my sister! It will be sad to leave, but I hope to really soak in the experience and make the most of my last time wearing an OKS jersey, playing at Chatham Fields. I’m very glad I had the opportunity to be a captain last season, as I have learned a lot about my own leadership style, built good relationships with my coaches, and grown a lot as a communicator and teammate. I’m excited to take this experience and skills with me into my senior season.”