Jacqueline Schroeder ’21
Christmas is an incredibly individualized holiday, in which traditions vary within every family and house. From the food served to the type of lights on the Christmas tree, you’re bound to find a unique aspect of each and every household you come across.
At Oak Knoll, Christmas is the most joyfully anticipated time of the year and it is a sentiment shared by every student and faculty member alike. Whether it be the taste of the candy canes outside of Mrs. Hildebrandt’s office, the sight of the seniors decorating the Christmas tree right outside the library, or hearing 12 Days of Oak Knoll in the Campion, it is evident that the Christmas season is filled with laughs and shared feelings of merriment and optimism.
While things will be a little different this year at Oak Knoll, at home, many of us will still enjoy our family’s traditions, whether that be putting an angel or a star at the top of the tree or lining the fireplace with stockings. Caroline Sheridan ’22 and Riley Carr ’22 enjoy opening gifts on Christmas morning with their families, baking Christmas cookies, and attending a mid-morning mass right after. Similarly, Bryana Slough ’21 and Annemieke Exton ’21 enjoy opening one present on Christmas Eve and long drives looking at Christmas lights. Annemieke’s family also has a tradition of a Christmas kayak race.
Even with COVID-19 around, it’s crucial to find the things that make the plexiglass and masks worth it. Personally, being with family, social distancing with friends, and seeing people throughout the school day have been essential parts of my acceptance of these unprecedented times, and I encourage you all to safely do the same!