Should we still have snow days now that we can go virtual?

Grace Bienstock ’26

Every year, we wait for the moment where the school will call and tell our parents that we have a snow day. Snow days are the days where we get to sit back, relax, and catch a break from school. However, with the adjustments of this school year due to the pandemic, some schools are completely getting rid of snow days, and doing remote learning instead. Should there still be snow days? Well, the answer is more complicated than just a simple yes or no.

The exciting part of snow days is getting the call that we get to stay home. Sometimes it’s late at night, other times it’s early in the morning, but we all anticipate the wait for a snow day. Some students practice superstitions like wearing your pajamas inside out, or putting a spoon under their pillow to guarantee a snow day. Snow days can also be very productive. While most decide to spend their snow day watching TV on the couch, some choose to do homework, clean their room, or workout. Snow days are great to catch up on projects or study for an upcoming test. Personally, my favorite part of snow days is playing in the snow. My little brother and I always build snowmen in our backyard and drink hot chocolate when we get inside. Snow days are fun and exciting days that have been a tradition in schools for years.

On the other hand, certain storms create such heavy snowfall that schools are forced to close for multiple days. Teachers can get behind on lessons in just a few days, which could lead to tests being postponed, projects being canceled or changed, and important lessons being put on hold. It can benefit students to be doing some sort of school work, no matter if it’s online or in person. I know that when we have long weekends or multiple school days off, it can be hard for me to return to school because I’m used to the break. Doing remote learning on snow days can help students stay on top of their work.

Overall, the unusual situation of this school year has caused us students to give up some of our favorite things about school. Snow days do look different this year, but we are lucky enough to be able to go to school for in-person learning for most of the year. I believe that whether we have a snow day or a remote day depends on the state of the weather. Nevertheless, snow days will always be a fond school memory.