Get to Know Your New Student Body President!

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Erin Stoffel

Sophia Kaiser ’22

It’s almost the end of school, which means it’s almost summer, which means it is also almost the 2021-2022 school year, and we have a fresh set of faces leading our school! Our new Student Body President, Erin Stoffel, has already started off strong, but there is still so much to learn about her. I recently interviewed Erin asking her to list six fun facts for me to share, and I’ve got to say, she’s a really cool gal. So, here are some fun facts about Erin!

  1. She has attended private schools her whole life. First, she spent her time at St. Patrick School in Chatham NJ, and then she made her way to OKS for her freshman year.
  2. She loves animals with all her heart. You can always count on Erin to run as fast as she can towards any dog she sees. 
  3. She is the youngest of four children. She has two sisters who attend(ed) Oak Knoll, and one older brother!
  4. She has been dancing since she was two years old, and she is very talented. She dances at Summit School of Dance right here in Summit, NJ. She has competed in many different competitions throughout her whole life and is a very successful dancer!
  5. She has had two concussions which were both caused by dance. She clearly goes all out every time she dances, sometimes hard enough that it leads to injury.
  6. She spends her entire summer on Nantucket Island in Massachusetts every year. She has to take a ferry boat to and from the island whenever she travels. Pretty cool, right?

These are just some of the awesome facts about Erin, and I am sure she will reveal many more over the course of next year. If you are eager and would like to know more about her, send her an email and I am sure she will tell you anything you want to know. I am so excited for Erin to lead our school, and I hope you are too!