Ava Bourneuf ’23
Ensemble, Oak Knoll’s honors choir, is a great opportunity for a select number of talented vocalists to practice and perform music together. The group is composed of 16 of Oak Knoll’s most talented singers, chosen by an audition at the beginning of the school year. With this induction, the students are granted a variety of opportunities to achieve excellence in their singing performance.
Throughout the group’s history, Ensemble has performed their repertoire internationally, most recently in 2019 at the Young Bohemia International Festival of Choirs and Orchestras in Prague, Czech Republic. However, the group’s members also have had the opportunity to sing in Austria, Ireland, Italy, and New York’s Carnegie Hall during the past 12 years.
Although the Ensemble performs lovely liturgical hymns, they are not limited to any particular style. They sing in a variety of diverse genres, including jazz, contemporary, a cappella, and in different languages, such as Italian, French, and Latin. The group is especially active around the Christmas season, performing for our Oak Knoll community in the annual “Christmas Prayer Concert” the week before Winter Break. They also perform alongside the Concert Choir (audition-free in school choir for grades 7-12) , Chimes Choir (middle school auditioned honors choir for grades 7-8), and Chamber Orchestra (orchestra for grades 7-12), in the end of the year spring concert which will be performed live in Campion. Ensemble is a wonderful community, offering Oak Knoll’s young women fantastic opportunities. The group practices after school Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-5 pm. They are always enthusiastic to welcome new members at the beginning of each year, however, if singing is not necessarily your thing, make sure to look out for Ensemble’s exciting future performances!
Border by Katie Nguyen ’23