Editorial: Spring Edition 2021

Jodie De Jesus ’21

Spring is finally here! Although for many of us, I assume, the approaching season will also serve as a milestone marker: approximately one year since the COVID-19 pandemic turned our world upside down. It’s hard to believe that it’s been 12 whole months since the interruption to our school year, the nationwide lockdown, and the beginning to several months of quarantine. For me, it feels like March 2020 was just yesterday!

It seems that we’ve fallen into a sense of normalcy––a fact that I believe to be both good and bad. On one hand, it’s indicative that we’ve finally adapted to the current state of our world and, in some ways, have made peace with how things are now. On the other hand, though, I can’t help but feel that we’ve also fallen into a lull-of-sorts. Personally, I know that I often find myself feeling like I’m just going through the motions of everyday. Masks, temperature checks, weekly saliva testing, plexiglass dividers, the six-foot distance between me and my friends; these have become our new normal. 

Approaching this spring season, I want us to escape that lull! Spring should represent rebirth and new beginnings, now more than ever. Of course, what we are typically leaving behind in a given year is a bleak and dreary winter. But while we’ve certainly experienced our fair share of snowstorms and snow days these past few months, I think that, this 2021, what we should also be seeking rebirth from is this past year and all its challenges. As you read through the articles of this Untucked edition, keep in mind this idea of renewal. It’s my hope that, by remaining safe and smart this Spring break, we’ll achieve that new beginning. 🙂

Happy Spring!


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