Editorial: Christmas Edition 2020

As the holiday season approaches, I am reminded of all the traditions I often anticipate: opening presents on Christmas morning, baking cookies with my sisters, and watching the New Year’s Eve ball drop at midnight. Most of all, though, I’ve been reflecting on our unique traditions here at Oak Knoll. Since entering the Upper School, I’ve always looked forward to when it would be my turn to stand on stage and perform the 12 Days of Oak Knoll with my fellow seniors or decorate the Christmas tree at the front of Connelly Hall. This year, of course, these traditions and events will look quite different. 

But even so, I’ve come to realize that, as disappointing as it might be to be unable to do all these things like in the past, we’ve actually been given the opportunity to usher in a whole new era of traditions. Who would’ve thought that we’d be having a school-wide dance party to Christmas music on the field during Stronger Together? Or filling the halls with student-created paper snowflakes? Through the creativity and commitment of our community, we’ve discovered completely different ways to celebrate this holiday season––and maybe some that will continue for future years! To think, had the events of this past year not transpired, we would’ve never gotten to experience these things.

So as you read this special edition of Untucked, as well as enter into this upcoming winter break, remember to stay positive and enjoy the holiday season. See this as a time to build new traditions and an opportunity to create even better memories. Though this year might’ve not gone exactly as planned, I have high hopes for 2021!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Jodie De Jesus ’21