
At last, the return of the Christmas season at Oak Knoll! We’ve escaped that mid-November serotonin slump, and entered an almost perpetual carnival: hot chocolate and candy canes in the front hall of Connelly, the smell of pine needles in our noses, and the usual seasonal decorations throughout the entire school. Our traditional Christmas Concert and Tableau has returned, as well as Advent Angels and Christmas Outreach. For me, Oak Knoll’s Christmas is always a treat, even after my almost six years here. Especially after last year when we had no Oak Knoll Christmas, this one is sure to please. But it’s not just our school traditions that make this time so special. The thrill of a snow day right when you need it the most, or laughing in the hallway with your friends before class: these things fill my heart with jollity and good cheer, as I’m certain they do for the rest of our community. 

For our December edition, the staff at Untucked has sought to convey these high spirits. This edition features several reflections on Christmas at Oak Knoll, as well as articles looking forward to the new year. Be sure to check out spotlights on various holiday fundraisers, festive ways you can celebrate the season, and articles on school as well as national news! Additionally we have beautifully drawn holiday illustrations and borders from our resident student artists. Overall, the staff has done an excellent job for this edition. 

I hope that all of you enjoy this beautiful season, and take advantage of the numerous opportunities to celebrate that Oak Knoll offers. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you and your families a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

Elizabeth Eck ’22


Borders by Katie Nguyen ’23