Dancers and Dramatica-Esperanza Burbano

As the new school year is starting so is the dancer program at Oak Knoll. The dancers already showed their amazing work during our Founder’s Day assembly. The dancers presented a beautiful piece to the song “Bloom”. The dancers worked on this dance over the course of three weeks. Throughout the past weeks, the dancers put in so much work and dedication to be able to bring a great performance to the entire school, and the dancers have already started working on their Christmas performance in December which will be held in the Campion Center on the 22 of December 2023. This performance will be centered around the coming holiday, Christmas, and is here to get us excited to go and celebrate Christmas. The effort these dancers put into their craft shows how motivated they are to perform these amazing art pieces for the entire school.

Also, every year the faculty and students anticipate the Dramatica performance that brings so much joy and excitement. This year Dramatica’s Shakespeare play is called “Midsummer Night’s Dream”. The Dramatica performers have been working since mid-September to bring an amazing performance that portrays love, hatred, murder, heartbreak, suffering, adventure, and so much more. These incredibly talented actors have been able to learn so much from each other and have created such a fun working environment. One performer even stated “Working with these people I have learned how to become a better performer and just a genuinely good person overall.” Dramatica will be performing on the 26th, 27th, and 28th of October so get excited because these actors never fail to amaze us with their outstanding talents and amazing dedication to what they bring on stage!