Christmas Charities

Megan McCann ’23

With Christmas quickly approaching, our Oak Knoll community has a tremendous amount of gratitude considering our current situation. Our school is very fortunate to have an abundance of resources at our disposal and to have had the opportunity to do in-person learning as long as we did. However, we must keep the less fortunate in mind, especially during this unpredictable year. Christmastime is all about generosity, and donating to charities in the community is a great way to exhibit such a spirit. 

There are many charities that are in need of donations to whom you can extend the spirit of giving. Bridges Outreach is a very well-known charity in the Oak Knoll community. Their mission is to aid the homeless, and they strive to end homelessness in the communities throughout and around New Jersey. The Bridges Program is currently accepting donations in the form of food, clothing, or money. Another great charity is Operation Christmas Child. Oak Knoll has worked with them in the past, and they are committed to “provid[ing] God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world.” The charity packs shoeboxes full of gifts such as toys, hygiene kits, and school supplies. Donors can make shoeboxes and bring them to the drop off locations. Finally, the Community Food Bank of NJ is an amazing organization that fights to end hunger and poverty in New Jersey. Donors are able to give food or funds to the food bank, and they will directly help the homeless of New Jersey.  For more information about these charities, visit:

Operation Christmas Child-

Bridges Outreach-

Community Food Bank of New Jersey-