Advent at Oak Knoll

Katherine Whelan ‘21

Christmastime is finally here. Cookies are being made, carols are being sung, and presents are being wrapped. 2020 has been an incredibly tough year, and everyone seems to be eager to jump into holiday festivities––especially those at Oak Knoll.  

The Christmas season at Oak Knoll is like no other. Lights and decorations dazzle the hallway, Christmas trees fill the front lobbies of Grace and Connelly Hall with a delicate pine fragrance, and seniors show off their fun holiday socks. However, the true spirit of Christmas at Oak Knoll runs deeper than the external glitz and glamour. We celebrate not only the gifts, music, and cookies, but the birth of Jesus Christ. In the Church, this season is Advent––the 25 days in which we joyfully remember the Nativity of Christ and prepare for His Second Coming. There are several traditions at Oak Knoll that celebrate the Advent season, the two most prominent being Christmas Outreach and Advent Angels. For Christmas Outreach, students are assigned a boy or girl whose family cannot afford gifts, and purchase him/her a specific toy or other desired item. For Advent Angels, students are randomly paired up with a fellow classmate and, in secret, they write letters, donate in their partner’s name, and give small treats.

Unfortunately, COVID-19 has disrupted most typical traditions at Oak Knoll, especially for the senior class. However, the Campus Ministry council has already begun working to find solutions in order to keep the essence of Christmas spirit alive and well in our community. We will continue an abridged version of the Advent Angel program after Christmas break, and Christmas Outreach is still up and running. There will also be special opportunities for students to participate in holiday themed meditations and prayerful reflections. No matter what obstacles come our way, we have proved that there is simply no stopping Advent at Oak Knoll.