Babies Save 2020

October 29, 2020 Anna Stiesi 0

Rosie Parlavecchio ’22 With COVID-19 being the most prevalent news for the last seven months, important celebrity updates have been ignored. Here is the inside […]


October 29, 2020 Ella Cilli 0

Lauren Pacicco ’22 The Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) has been under scrutiny and was subject to  adjustments during the COVID-19 pandemic. The SAT is a […]

Mask Review!

October 29, 2020 Ella Cilli 0

Riley Carr ‘22  Because face masks and coverings are such an essential part of our life now, it only seems appropriate to give a review […]

History of Halloween

October 29, 2020 Anna Stiesi 0

Catherine Luzzi  ’26 Halloween this year is undoubtedly going to be different than most. However, the traditional Halloween that we usually celebrate wasn’t always like […]

Halloween Decorations

October 29, 2020 Anna Stiesi 0

Alexandra Accardo ’22 Things have been a little different lately and changes are constantly being made around us. Despite this, one thing that has remained […]